Friday, December 21, 2012

On the Tragedy at Newtown...

When I was a sophomore in high school, a buddy and I (we'll call him Toby) were sitting in third hour study hall bored out of our minds, so we decided to make an enemies list.

It really was that simple.

Our enumeration was penned on college-ruled notebook paper with a blue Bic, and included the names of our school principal, vice-principal, gym teacher, Algebra teacher and a short list of fellow classmates we felt, after much deliberation, either had wronged us, wronged someone we knew, or who by our best estimation were unlikely to contribute anything meaningful to society in the future.

We titled it: Those Amongst Us Who Must Die Without Mercy.

We must have been laughing about it, or whispering too loudly, making it obvious without meaning to that we weren't getting a lot of studying done. All of a sudden, the study hall teacher (we'll call her Mrs. Thomson), appeared above us, reached down and snatched the notebook off the table. I instinctively tried to hold onto it, and she had to struggle to wrest it free.

But wrest it free she did, and Toby and I glanced at each other with excitable laughter as her eyes tumbled down the length of the page.

Her response? With a loud disapproving huff, a roll of her eyes, she tore the list out of the notebook, tossed the notebook back on our table and sauntered off indignantly.

"This is NOT proper use of study hall time!" she barked. When she reached her desk she crumpled it up, tossed it in her waste basket, sat down and continued whatever it was she did to while away the hour.

That was the end of it. 'Those Amongst Us Who Must Die Without Mercy', and that was the end of it.

Toby and I were just pimply-faced teenagers who thought we were clever or 'edgy', or something or other. Though I have written fiction suggesting otherwise, I bore no serious ill-will toward anyone back then, not beyond the norm anyway. The teenage years are tough for a lot of kids, and while I was not prom king by any stretch of the imagination, I nevertheless basked quite confidently in the splendor (in my mind) of being Jared; and that had a way of getting me through just about any emotional torment teenagehood could throw at me. As for Toby, he was all set to join the Army after graduation. He was kind of a gun nut, come to think of it. But nothing about him lent any significance to that fact. There were teachers we each didn't like, students we didn't get along with, truly didn't think would contribute much to society in the future. We were young, and immature, and our 'enemies list', the humor we derived from it, was a kind of joking pageantry. I did a lot of things for shock value/humor when I was young.

That being said, I am just a little nervous writing these words, uneasy at the prospect of posting this, as if  I'm revealing (confessing) some horrible plot.

There's not a goddamn thing funny about it anymore. Maybe there wasn't then either, but there sure as hell isn't now.

If Toby and I were caught with that list these days, we'd be immediately shepherded out of study hall, straight to the office, a host of security personnel and school 'liasions' alerted to the situation. The cops would be called, parents notified, nothing less than a pre-conceived and tightly orchestrated response put into action, the end result very likely involving our suspension, or outright expulsion, from school.

But in 1989, school shootings, as we know them today, were not a ready part of the American dialogue. They were completely unknown to the likes of Toby and me. And Mrs. Thomson, evidently.

Before I go any further, I must express my deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of the victims in Newtown, Connecticut. How awful, how unimaginably awful to have to go through that. It's heartbreaking and shocking enough when it's teenagers. But when it's first graders, truly innocent in the sense of that word that makes us cry, who come to school in 'cute kid stuff', as the Connecticut state medical examiner testily answered a reporter's rather sensational question last week as to what the victims he examined were wearing, it's beyond belief.

Looking back, I can't help wondering if Mrs. Thomson thought for even the briefest of moments that Toby and I posed a threat, that our list might be a very real plot. The gun debate was certainly in full swing then. American gun culture was being blamed for a string of violent incidents that can easily be reviewed on Wikipedia nowadays. And there were school shootings. Bob Geldof's song 'I Don't Like Mondays' is about a 1979 incident. Later, Pearl Jam's 'Jeremy' dealt with the subject. And truth be told, the list of violent incidents on or around educational institutions goes back several decades.

Mrs. Thomson knew Toby and me; she knew our parents; she could remain reasonably assured that we were decent kids all around, which doubtless determined her response. But these days she would not have the luxury of that assumption. If she discovered a list like that, she would absolutely have to take action.

Now is a good time to make clear also that I'm not a gun nut. While I support Second Amendment rights, I don't think they are, or should be, absolute. I don't think ordinary people need automatic weapons or special ammunition. In the words of the great Robin Williams: "How many deer wear a bullet proof vest?" Nor do I think most people need to arm themselves on the street, at least not to paramilitary specs. I can't say I'm comfortable stepping onto a city bus, or into the lobby of a McDonald's, or a bar, thinking that every person in my midst might be packing.

Moreover, it's no secret that our society's fixation with fire power as an extension, or the source, of our influence is out of control. For over one hundred years now we have propagated a gun culture by tying it securely to the hip of our mindset of being the biggest and the baddest and the loudest. We have turned it into a self-fulfilling prophecy, drawing an almost spirituality from a 'guns a-blazin' mentality that may have settled the west, may have won important wars, may make for good cinematic fodder, but cannot be correctly installed in our comfy, 21st century reality. It does not make our malls, movie theaters, coffee shops and cafeterias safe places to be.

And it's hard to ignore the fact that Adam Lanza's mother was reportedly a gun enthusiast herself, impossible to dismiss the sheer folly of her (reportedly) taking her troubled son to the shooting range, or for that matter having a troubled son whom she was (reportedly) prepared to have committed, yet failing to keep her arsenal safely under lock and key.

But the fact that a mere twenty-three years ago, Mrs. Thomson simply crumpled up Toby's and my enemies list - replete as it was with specific names of student and faculty, not to mention that horrific title scrawled across the top - and threw it away, whereas today high schools across the country operate in veritable lockdown - banning book bags and backpacks, certain articles of clothing, installing alarm systems, hiring security guards, 'buzzing' people in and out of the playground through locked doors - tells me it's more than just the guns that has brought us here, suggests that in a relatively short period of time the situation has gotten markedly worse.

I believe there is a profound mental health issue at play, not specifically Lanza, or James Holmes, or any other, but amongst an entire generation. Something is different about kids today, something is contributing to a change in their behavior not seen as readily - if at all - in previous generations, and along with the proliferation of guns, we must address the proliferation of the dead-eyed school shooter amongst the ranks of our young people, and acknowledge that he is unique to the last twenty years, directly related, at least in some measure, to the dramatic change in the manner with which our children are being raised.

We foster a permeating culture of dysfunction in our young people, without realizing it. We raise them on a toxic diet of fatalism mixed with self-indulgence. They are coddled, allowed to grow up in nothing less than a citadel of self-esteem, a practice which leaves them strangely unafraid of anything and at the same time terrified of everything, from germs to pollution to strangers on the street to off-color remarks. They are taught to be snarky and sarcastic as a means of coping, medicated when they act up, and told none of it is their fault. They are physically softer than any generation before, and also rendered mentally weak by the very technology that is supposed to be freeing them, enlightening them (er, so Apple, Verizon, Facebook and Google would have us believe...).

Ironically, the current state of affairs really isn't their fault; they are unwitting victims just as we (i.e., society) are unwitting perpetrators, and I know full well that every old generation says the same thing about every new. But saying that's 'just the way of things' does not change the fact that with the passing of every generation, things seem to get worse and worse.

The dead-eyed school shooter is not a criminal in the traditional sense. His acts do not arise from adversity or hardship, are not spurred by conflict or revolution in the face of injustice, they possess no 'passion' at all, no heat-of-the-moment decision. They are usually discovered to be carefully and exactingly plotted ahead of time, and arise from boredom, alienation and desensitization mixed with an inflated sense of self-importance, a hubris we now hand out as a birthright. It is fueled by a celebrity culture that DOES celebrate - and with relish - a concentrated absorption of violence, slickly packaged in bright celebrity foil. Violent movies and violent video games obviously have the greatest effect on young minds, all minds. They eliminate the very real danger of these weapons from our minds by eliminating their weaponness, while at the same time tweaking in myriad ways the aggression, and the innate desire to use that aggression to influence the world around, that lurks in all of us.

But I'd take it a step further. I think there is a more wide-spread, but not as obvious, poison contributing on a benefactor's scale to the situation we find ourselves in today, hastening the eradication of even our most elemental sense of well-being, peace of mind, and to that end I would reserve my harshest indictment for television, as it remains the single greatest delivery system for information (there's the Internet now, of course, but that just might be a whole other post...).

Television has become a fucking wasteland of baneful imagery and sloganism whose purpose seems to be engendering selfishness, self-absorption and cynicism in the viewer, lately without even bothering to be artful.  'Reality' shows like The Bad Girls Club, Hardcore Pawn, Jersey Shore, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Mob Wives, Basketball Wives, or the upcoming Buckwild (a redneck version of Jersey Shore...*sigh*...)  et al., ad infinitum and ad nauseam, are not mere harmless tripe, in fact might be worse than a violent movie or video game, which at least remain, in the eyes of most people, fantasy. These shows purport to be real-life confessionals, and celebrate, literally, the worst of human nature - pettiness, aggression, not 'taking shit' from anyone, lazing in ignorance, gluttony, consumerism, and call it 'living out loud'. And our desire to preserve a free society - as in freedom of speech and freedom of choice - breathes life into each new incarnation, allows each new season to turn our boundaries into oatmeal. People drinking too much, screaming at each other, sweating, farting and fighting, punching each other in the face, pushing each other into fountains, pissing into bushes, puking on boardwalks, gesturing threateningly, swaggering pointlessly...all of this is no longer marginalized behavior.  It is celebrity.  It is endorsement deals. It is one million Twitter followers.

It is 'brought to you by Pepsi...'

Am I suggesting Adam Lanza watched The Bad Girls Club and was set on a collision course with history? Of course not. Not even close.  There were obviously severe mental health issues unique to Lanza that almost certainly weren't curable and may not have been controllable.  But nobody should delude themselves into thinking the caustic lifeblood of our society does not corrode its structure from the inside. In an age when corporations spend millions of dollars for thirty seconds of air-time during the Superbowl, nobody should dare be thinking that imagery, even fed in small, regurgitated bites and under the guise of 'entertainment', does not tweak the color, taste and odor of our impulses, and thus behavior. Nor should anyone fail to acknowledge that this is equally true of the well-adjusted and the not so well-adjusted amongst us.

Adam Lanza did not make the choice he made, plan what he did, merely because there were guns in the home. Guns - assault weapons especially - are a big part of the dialogue, but that dialogue will ultimately prove fruitless, and eventually fall silent, if any attempt to remove firearms from the hands of law-abiding citizens or curb their accessibility from same as a result of the Sandy Hook shooting does not dovetail with an earnest reassessment of what we consider worthy of our, and our children's, leisure time and attention.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lordy, Lordy...Lordy...look who's (also) forty

On the last day of summer 2012, I take a walk along the river. It isn't the last day according the calendar; that came and went three weeks earlier, largely unnoticed. This is the far more significant last day to feel like summer, heralding without meaning to, yet in no uncertain terms, the big permanent change of the seasons. This is not gradually fewer crickets chirping on gradually chillier nights like at the end of August, or a gossamer layer of frost on your car windshield one morning the week after Labor Day, or the first daubs of color in the trees as the sun graces the celestial sphere. There is nothing the least bit subtle or tentative about this seemingly benign afternoon. It speaks unequivocally of nothing less than irrevocable change to a way of life.

Granted, it's not difficult to see the big change coming when the weather guy is predicting it, aided by a falling barometer and 50 years of daily temperature averages with which to build his 5-day forecast. But I like to think it can be done without meteorology. I like to think identifying those precipitous few hours at the tail end of Indian summer is an instinctual thing, like birds knowing - simply knowing - when to fly south, or bears when to hibernate. There is just something about this day, a uniquely bloated feeling in the air that announces it can bloat no more. It's plenty warm. The temperature has risen into the upper 70s, but with only the energy of a yawn. Cloudless and calm, no humidity at all, it's almost too lovely ('quiet...too quiet...!'), and for all of this, there's an unmistakable finality to the sight of the setting sun.

Sure enough, the next day will rise gray, cold and blustery and stay some version of that.

I live in a college town, and the river trail runs right through the campus, which is buzzing with students this evening, doubtless feeling the same sense of doing in what's left of the time to do. And it is on account of traipsing amongst the beads, beards, backpacks and dreadlocks, the long boarders, in-line skaters and foreign exchangers smoking their cigs with a carefully thought-through style and pecking away at their phones as though it might be the last thing they ever get to to post, that it occurs to me, with no small amount of shock, this is more than just the end of summer 2012. There's a final countdown going on here for me as well, another type of 'Indian Summer' afoot all together.

In December, I turn 40.

Forty! Midway to the end (even a little past, in terms of life expectancy)...middle aged! They say 40 is the new 30, and that would be encouraging, except truth be told, turning 30 kind of sucked.

How could this have happened? Why wasn't I notified? Where did Saturday morning go? Saturday night, for that matter! Has anyone seen my angst? My acne? My infallible world view? I had one once, I know I did...I alone once held fully satisfying answers to everything, or at least answers I could live with.

Those days are gone for sure; but hey, my acne still shows up once in a while, at least...I've been hiding behind a five o'clock shadow since I was seventeen as a result.

I can't be forty. I still get pimples! Not in the mutinous aggregations I endured in high school (which caused the guy taking my senior portrait to brandish a perplexed frown, positioning my face and the lights a thousand different ways, searching for the best way to immortalize me without terrifying my as-yet unborn grandkids), but just enough to keep me in the market for Clearasil every once in a while.

Beyond zits, though, this still can't be right. I cannot be forty. You don't turn forty until you got everything figured out, right? Teachers are forty. Doctors are forty. People on TV are forty! Mike Brady, Mike Seaver, Cliff Huxtable...the fathers, the parental units, the grownups! Those guys are all forty.

Actually, though, Mike Brady (i.e., Robert Reed) was probably in his mid thirties on that show, and that is downright depressing.

How in the world did I let myself get older than Mike Brady?

How did I let myself become the age my father was when I was born?

All things considered, I'm happy to report that in spite finding it difficult to understand, I don't find turning forty all that difficult to accept. If you live correctly, and until something untoward happens, 'age' really is just a number, merely our way of trying to quantify things we can't wrap our heads around, like the passage of time and how our measly lives fit into it. And I neither pine for the things of youth (beyond a reasonable 'thinking young' philosophy) nor miss MY youth in particular. I don't want to get old, I don't want to die, but would I really want to be twenty again?

Walking through the campus tonight the answer becomes clear: hell no. These kids may have time on their side, and that's enviable to a point. I do miss, occasionally, just a little, the excitement of everything being a new experience and the resulting feeling that my life is worthy of a movie (or for this generation, perhaps a reality show). Oh to be young, to be 18 or 19, in school and away from home for the first time! To sleep and dream safe in the infallibility of a world view where love is tender, tender is the night, and night can be day. Where everything is as black and white as it will ever be, and right before their eyes. Where there are answers that satisfy, time to find them, and perhaps most important, a sense of mandate to do so.

I envy them their firmly bubbled sense of purpose, place and significance.

But only a little. The world can be a daunting chunk of rock at that age, and time is ultimately a fruitless covet . How many of these kids will waste it, and even if they don't, they may end up feeling like they did, because however much they carpe diem all over the place and each other, it will slip away without their realizing. For that matter, how many of these kids, God forbid, for reasons well within their control or completely out of it, will not make it to forty? How many of them will have something untoward happen along the way?

I should be thankful to have made it this far, for, literally, each sunrise I get to see.

And I am.

LATER THAN THEY THINK - On the 'last' day of summer 2012, students
cross the Chippewa River on their way to class or from class, without perhaps
realizing by the time they get to the other side of the bridge they will be thirty. Forty by the time they wake up tomorrow morning.

And Eminem just turned 40. So how bad can it be?

Yes, that's right: I am still, and will always be, two months younger than Slim Shady.

I used to mess with my son's mind when he was a
teenager going through his own angst, during which Eminem wound up on his radar for a brief time. I was ambivalent by this phase of his development. I didn't want him getting too swept up in that message of course, but believed (and still do) that music and message alone do not a troubled teen make. Nevertheless, whenever it seemed he was a little too comfortable with how he believed things to be, I felt the need to burst his bubble, and I would do so by quipping, "Just remember, Eminem's two month's older than I am, dude."

He was shocked by this fact (or maybe my use of the word 'dude', as kids seem to be; although my generation invented its use as slang, as far as I can tell...). He wouldn't show it, but how could he not be? Granted, I was younger than most dads (I listened to Eminem in some measure), but my son's eyes, how the hell could 'Slim Shady' be older than 'Dad'? That was really treading on something for him. Now, for a couple of months anyway, the disparity is even more apparent. Eminem is in his forties, while 'Dad' remains in his thirties.

Even Eminem has realized he can't be singing about spitting on onion rings at Burger King at forty. That would not be logical...and art, any art, has to proffer some semblance of logic. It has to make sense, if only to be relatable, which in turn is what gets people to care, which I believe is (or should be) its primary function: getting someone, anyone, to care.

Is it really art if nobody gives a shit?

So what did Eminem do? What coud he do? He had to adapt, grow as an artist, drop the 'new' Eminem a few years ago - more mature, less bratty. Grow old gracefully, surrender the things of youth, as the timeless Desiderata says.

I like to think that's what I have done, in my way, on the doorstep of my forties. Although dropping the new Jared Glovsky just means I've tripped over something, and that happens frequently.

It really is lovely on the river this evening. And though fall color is past its peak, there is still beauty on the trees. You have to look more closely, get in-tune to detail, but tucked away in pockets amongst the rust are stunning visual bursts of color and airy movements of wind and water. Not to mention a fragrance no candle or aerosol can could hope to imitate.


A boat moves past me, a gentle upstream glide to the persistent whine of a little outboard motor. There is a man perched in the stern guiding the craft, his hat and sunglasses dissolving the identity his face would otherwise establish, and by this I am strangely reminded that I am not a luminary.


If I die tomorrow, nobody outside of my immediate family and friends will care. I have not made much of an impact in the world. That's okay; I'm not fundamentally unhappy. But it's not quite what I had in mind when I was twenty either. I wielded some big dreams then, and a tremendous (sense of) promise has had to be pared down to make room for all the new furniture we collect in our day-to-day lives. At times, even, I've had to eat portions of my ego like a rodent consuming her babies to make ends meet, to stay afloat, to feed mouths, and what's always got me through those moments was looking to the future, shouldering through the pain with the notion that I'm just paying my dues, there is still time, I'm still working toward something, building to something, everything is still before me.

But that is no longer true. Everything isn't before me anymore. Some things are, perhaps, I'm by no means ready to cash in and cash out, but not everything. I've spent the last year thinking a lot about this, about what I said to people (most of whom I no longer know), about my plans for the future, in the days when a year seemed a lot longer than it actually is.

I kneel down on the shore, place my hands in the water busily making its way toward the Gulf of Mexico. It is cool but not cold, inviting, and the gentle tug of the current feels astonishing. I get the sense it's trying to coax me in, and there is a powerful moment's consideration of my own mortality.

But then, as always, a unique rage settles in - a rage to resist too much comfort and resignation, a rage to resist long thoughts or feeling sorry for myself or distressing myself with imaginings (thank you again, Desiderata...). Have I accomplished everthing I thought I would? Of course not. But surely I would rather keeping on living anonymously than be some bright star that burns out too fast, or gets extinguished, or worst of all, turns jaded.

My goal for my forties? What was initially a sprawling, multi-page mid-life bucket list, has been pared down to one mandate, elegant in its simplicity:

Never get jaded.

So far so good. It really is enough, if nothing else, after all this time, to see each new sunrise.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thoughts on Making the Bus Monitor Cry

The response was predictable, and in its way, reassuring.

Since a video of 68-year-old school bus monitor Karen Klein being harassed by four 7th grade students during a field trip on the last day of classes went viral a week ago, the upstate New York grandmother of eight has received an outpouring of support from the public, which has led to an otherwise horrible story having a (somewhat) happy ending. Klein has not only received a cool half-million from an impromptu donation fund set up on her behalf so she can take a vacation, but apologies have come in from both the parents of the children and at least two of the children themselves. All four of the kids received a year's suspension from school for their behavior, as well as community service sentences.

Good. The video is distressing to say the least: nearly ten minutes of relentless harassment by these four little shits, throughout which it is evident Mrs. Klein wants to explode, to lash out, to put her tormentors in their place, but trembling with rage, hot tears burning their way down her face, she remains composed, stays the course as the resident adult on the bus, the one responsible for the safety of these kids (and that's what they are, no matter how rude and foul-mouthed).

She really does deserve a vacation.

I can't say I never gave teachers grief when I was that age. I'm sure there were plenty of grown-ups working in my school system back then who thought I too was a 'little shit'... I was a showman in my own mind, a clown, delighted in sauntering proudly out the door to the chuckles and chortles of my classmates after some carefully craffted jackass behavior left a flustered (usually substitute, but not always) teacher no alternative other than to command me out of the classroom.

Yes, I was that kid.  But I could never have conceived of doing what the kids in this video do to Karen Klein. I never got personal, or cruel, never told a teacher of any kind to 'shut the fuck up' or called anyone fat or threatened to do bodily harm. It never occurred to me that such behavior was possible. It simply wasn't an option.

Karen Klein deserves more than a vacation for how she handled things. Maybe the Nobel Prize, for exhibiting a level of restraint that would make the man of Galilee proud.

But there were kids back in my childhood that would have done that, kids I remember with unsettlingly clarity who had it in them to be that cruel, that obnoxious...the kids that - 'little shit' though I may have been - I crept down back hallways and burst through back doors in a full-tilt run for the woods behind the school in order to avoid when the end of the day came. In other words, there have always been bad kids, 'rotten apples', as Mrs. Klein has described at least two of her tormentors, so although it's an understandable conclusion to draw, I don't believe the incident is endemic to our times, a representation of what our 'children have become.'

What I find disturbing is that amidst all the outrage, which has reached as far up the media ladder as Matt Lauer and Anderson Cooper, nothing has been said - not one word - about the real offense here (what I'd wager was at least part of the reason Karen Klein was as upset as she was): not the cruelty itself so much as the fact that throughout the ordeal a camera was trained on her face, documenting the incident, and that within a day or two it was uploaded and being viewed by thousands or more people - published, for all practical purposes - and that it will remain out there for the world to see whenever someone wants to, as easily accessible to watch on a moment's notice as the flag raising at Iwo Jima, the Beatles arrival in America, the Rodney King beating or myriad other incidents that, unlike this, and for better or worse, warranted some documentation. No matter where she chooses to go for her vacation, Karen Klein has to live with that video being out there. She has to live with her face being the face of an humiliating story for the rest of her days, her pitiable (if understandable) tears exposed to - literally - the entire world.

That is perverse. 

Had I been in her predicament, I am pretty sure I could have ignored the rude comments.  I like to think I'm mature enough not to let myself get into a verbal pissing match with a middle schooler.

But I'm sorry, that kid would have been eating that fucking phone. Or more realistically, it would have wound up snatched out of his hands and smashed to bits on the booger-smeared floor of that school bus, ground beneath my boot heel.

The implications of this still newfound ability we have to document, capture and archive every living, breathing second of our and everyone else's lives as if there's any reason to - as if we must merely because we can - have not yet been fully realized. I know it's a tall order, but cell phone use should be regulated in public places, at least amongst kids, and surely during school-sanctioned events. Kids cannot fully grasp the power they wield when they throw those phones up, nor conceive of the repercussions that may arise from doing so.

After all, these four kids have to live with their shameful behavior being out there for all the world to see too - now and thirty years from now. When they're middle aged and nothing's as funny as it used to be, when they don't remember half of the stupid crap they did when they were twelve and the stuff that they do remember makes them cringe, that video will still be out there somewhere, being viewed by someone, in world that no longer allows memories to fade.